How to Brag

So you have an adventure in a jungle. From your hut, you walk outside and suddenly are tripped by a bunch of keys. How many keys are those?

I was thinking about 3-5 but then I realized how clumsy of me that I could be tripped by 3 keys only. So I said that they are around 5-8 keys.

It was revealed that keys actually symbolizes close and trusted friends you have in your life with whom you share your current life updates. Somehow, it matches. At the moment.

If it was asked say 3-5 years ago, the answer would be exactly 3. This recent years, I found that I have been highly blessed with additional close friends that I would share my life with in rather details. I cannot list down in exact number of who they are, but rough count in my head predicts that it's about 5-8 at least.

You might start to dislike me for my social-life-bragging, and consider to close this tab. But hold on, I also provide you some insights that hopefully can make you feel better.

Most of people (or at least me) are easily consumed and feel outshine by someone's exposure and highlights of their bedazzling life posted on social media. Word 'envy' or 'jealous' might be too strong to refer what we feel. But I believe that wanting or desiring free trips, endorsement, thousand likes, latest FREE upscale fashion things on our perfect body and pretty face, successful influencing business or career, or any other thing presented on screen, have ever crossed on our mind.

Are we not that perfect and lacking? Are they more blessed than we are?
<<Put some contentment and blessing bible verses here>>

In my time of darkness, I have counted my blessings in high struggle. I have discovered that human are blessed in different ways and areas of life. There are career/work/job, financial/money, love/romantic life, friendship/social life, family, physical features, talents, etc etc.

What people present on their social media actually is just a highlight of one area. In communication, we call it framing. They frame and expose what their strengths and fortunates. Comparing is the culprit that sneaks into our hearts and creates those thoughts that our life is a complete waste compare to them. In other words, we are misled.

We all know those cliches motivational words, life is not perfect, but it's how you live it to make it perfect, or something in line with that. Every human has something to brag about. Those influencers can brag about how fruitful their talents can be, then i can do as well!

I can brag about how great my friends are, that i have sincere friends (plural) that I can find in time of difficulties. Moreover, I am a super difficult person that have wide range of ideas and favorites that might be possible to be discussed and related with one person only. I am actually blessed with several (plural, again) groups or individuals that each can cater to those ideas in their own way.

It is like to enjoy music or concert, I have this group. To travel cheap or lavish, I have different gangs as well. I have certain sort of friends to understand and accompany me in certain sort of life area. Few years back, this was not the case. According to Harvard Researchers, secret of life happiness is meaningful relationship. Referring back to first metaphor on top, friends are like keys (of life). Imagine like a gigantic safe warehouse in a bank that needs a bunch of keys and cannot be opened if you loss even one. That's also what my life is. I realize that my friends have fulfilled me in unique ways that they cannot be substituted and eliminated.

So this is my brag, what is yours?