BC - AC Shift.

To what we have known B.C (before corona
Celebrating blessings -
No one will refuse blessings. Then we celebrate, we are thankful and overjoyed for the favor we receive. Eg, salary increment, promotion, new stuffs. 

Letting go problems -
No brainer, no one likes problems. Problems weigh and slow us down. It brings xx times additional mind, energy burden to our normalcy. In default, we shove off problems, we don't let it stay too long and affect our sanity. 

Questioning unanswered prayer - 
We will never be satisfied with unanswered prayer. It hangs there in the corner in our heart while questioning God - why it never come to us though we seem have prayed so hard, even the neighbor who never go to church has received what we are wishing for instead.  

Embracing uncertainty- 
Uncertainty, future always fascinate us. Good or bad, mysteries always get under someone's skin. When we think about it, it's kinda funny to let a blurry shadow occupy significant space in our heart and mind. 


Then boom, a new era barges into our life. These past few months, a surge of motivational talks, wisdom words, encouraging ideas flow tremendously like never before. 

To what I slowly shift into AC (after corona) ..
Celebrating blessings problems - 

In celebration, we share, we open our house, we call people come, we feed them, we give them something to bring home -- aren't these what we are doing now? As the virus spread, kindness, generosity and donation are spreading as well. Motivational speakers bring this point up testify how pandemic brings creative ideas that never have been sparked before. Problem doesn't determine your situation whether it will destroy or grow your business, your reaction will. 

That's also what silver lining, a blessing in disguise are. There's a lot of business came up from the difficulties. Experts say that our technology has advanced several years ahead because of the pandemic. Some people got more time to learn, to rewind, to maneuver their strategy, to review their plan, to adjust what is the previous mundane normalcy. 

Questioning unanswered prayer blessings - 

God placed Eve and Adam in Eden for a purpose - to take care and work on it. When you receive something, there's actually some purposes behind the gift. Now it kinda gets me when I receive more than usual means that I got to give more than usual. 

I always wonder the idea of averaging. No one in the world will be too rich or too poor, because the rich will give as many as they can give to help the poor. So everyone will live in the average. 

During lockdown, unexpectedly I received some plus plus and it bugged me that I know some out there is on minus minus. So I know my plus plus is to help the minus to be at least be in a neutral position, not minus. Frankly it's not easy. We love positive numbers, bigger, higher numbers, so why we need to average our self back to smaller number? 

So I learned about this, I learned something to share to others, I received more to be able to share. Somehow the idea of blessing is not as pleasing as before as behind blessing we got a homework to do. 


Embracing uncertainty unanswered prayer - 
For this, there will nothing elaborate better than one of my favorite sermons

Spiritual intimacy and maturity is to recognise that God doesn't solve and answer all our problem questions but lead us closer to the mysteries of our existence where all questions cease. When we come to the point in our life that all questions don't matter anymore. 

The discipline to keep asking and the patience to wait until the door is opened. It it meant to be hard to draw us beyond what we have yet seen and experience, calling out the trust in us that we don't think we have and scared to exercise

Meant to be difficult so we take the next step in trusting God

Meant to be uncertain so we can step out and believe that God will carry us through, stretch us to trust him and find his side never known before

It is the invitation to come further in a relationship with him to an intimacy deeper relationship.

 So you know whenever you have an unanswered prayer, see it as a bond for you to get attached to God. 

Letting go problems uncertainty - 
Find your controllable - uncontrollable zone. Future is definitely something that is beyond our control. When will the vaccine be out? When will this dark cloud pass? 

One of my friend said there will be no right answer for an if question. The possible way to answer is by another if sentence which will be an endless if-cycle. 

So I guess rather than holding on to the void and speculation, let's live in the moment, be mindful, and seize the day. 

This is what my new normal seems like. Embracing what I used to avoid, celebrate what I used to dodge, and question what I used to celebrate. 


note: so I noticed some visit stat on this blog this which actually beyond my expectation, whoever you are, your quick hi on comment will be very much appreciated, so I know the visit number is not from a bot. haha. thanks!