Life Paradoxes - Celebration of Zero

There was a photographer who was really famous and followed on Instagram - 104k followers. One day, he was exposed for posting stock images or Pinterest pictures on his Instagram without writing any credits. People felt misled by his action that drove them thinking those posts were his artworks.  Admiration turned condemnation. Mean memes created to insult even by big brands. The hype was talked and used perhaps to gain spotlight for their own. Social media really can give you fame and shame.

He only came out after few days perhaps he was shaken down by all the terrors. He then deleted all hundred posts and left one black post with long explanation and regret of his action. Again fame and shame, some appreciated his action and some left cynical. No matter, case closed.

Thought of how his career is now a dead end, I felt pity for the young spotlight rising guy as he took wrong way to fame. Guess, no one will every respect and use his service. His life is definitely ruined - a dead zero.

To my and perhaps everyone surprise, he's back after few months hiatus and posted new works complete with behind the scenes to prove he learned and corrected his mistake. Despite of the fame and shame of that first comeback, he started to rebuild his reputation showing that he is now a change man.

Though cons are still existed, only after three posts, people start seeing him in a new light. His showing effort from behind the scene and sharing Photoshop technique applied give him new spotlight as people are interested in his delicate photo manipulation. Soon, he raised new 1k followers. I, personally, now enjoy his work more than before.

Zero is not a dead end, sometimes it's a needed pause for rising even higher. Technically, a plane sometimes will need to completely stop before going full speed for taking off. Sometimes it's because the runway is busy, or pilot needs to feel in the air before rolling.

This life paradoxes series teach me to see and respond to life paradoxically. Zero point often considered as a pitfall, unproductive season, dull and barren. To live paradoxically is to celebrate zero point. It is like a winter season, barren soil no harvest. What if zero point is actually like a turning point in an U-Curve? It might be seen as downfall, but life is not end yet, the curve might rise to higher place.

Hundred point often considered as perfect score that people would target towards. To live paradoxically is to reflect on hundred point rather than celebrate. What if this hundred point is part of the highest point in reverse U-curve? The next second might be downfall from the hundred. Again, life is not a certain U or reverse U curve, is it? No one knows where it ends. That curve fluctuates.

Give life chances.